How do You Set Up Online Event Registration? Everything You Need to Know 

In today’s event landscape, online event registration provides a host of benefits that can transform your event organization and execution. The days of manual registration processes are gone, along with their hassles and risks. Instead, online registration is paving the way for a simpler, more reliable process that leads to a better and more profitable event.

In the rest of this post, we’ll explore the setup of intuitive, customizable online registration forms and how to use these forms to maximize sales. Let’s dive in!

Benefits of Using Online Registration for Events

Embracing online event registration forms brings a multitude of benefits to your event-organizing process. 

Simpler Signup Process: By removing the risks and hassles of manual registration, you also simplify the process for attendees. No more waiting in line to fill out forms and pay in cash.

Reduced Form Abandonment - If registration drags on, some attendees will get frustrated and leave. A well-designed online registration form keeps the process quick and seamless.

Valuable Insights - When the registration forms are online, you have access to valuable data analytics and insights about your audience that can help you make data driven decisions.

Flexibility - If a registrant needs to edit their order, online registration provides greater flexibility when it comes to payments, preferences, and refunds.

Security - If you’re still keeping stacks of registration forms at the table out front, precious attendee data can scatter with a mere gust of wind. Solid online registration platforms, on the other hand, keep attendee data and information secure and encrypted. 

Accessibility - One of the most significant perks of online registration is that it provides last-minute access. Attendees can extend last-minute invites to friends and colleagues, and all that person needs is their phone.

Understanding the Event Registration Process

The event registration process starts with creating an event plan. Before spending even a minute on your registration form, identify the purpose of your event in clear terms. Perhaps your objective is to raise awareness about a public health initiative or fundraise for the community library. Whatever the goal, gaining clarity on your event objectives will serve as a compass that guides the rest of your organizing.

Next, to promote your event, you need in-depth knowledge of your target audience. Take time to research their demographics, interests, and preferences, and use resonant language and aesthetics on your forms.

When it comes time to set up the registration form, outline the key form fields. In addition to basic facts like name and birthday, gather any other necessary information for your event. For example, you can ask about their preferred breakout session, sweatshirt size, or registration level. 

When collecting payments, prioritize security and convenience. With RegFox's in-house built-in payment processor, Webconnex Payments, you can access the best support, pricing and features. If you prefer to use another method, RegFox is also compatible with the third-party processors Stripe and

Finally, once a registrant completes the form, confirm their registration status immediately (via automated email) and keep communicating with them in the lead-up to the event. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Online Registration for an Event

With RegFox, the setup process is quick and intuitive. Simply follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Set up your event page by choosing from existing templates or creating your own customized page. 
  2. Build your registration form, and ask for all the relevant information in the form fields. You can either require an upfront payment in full or allow registrants to make payments over time.  
  3. Create and share affiliate (or tracking) links.
  4. Write confirmation emails and schedule them to be sent to registrants once their payments have been received.
  5. Execute your event!

Designing an Effective Event Registration Form

Creating a registration form that effectively contributes to your bottom line has to have several core components. Firstly, keep it short and simple; the longer the registration form the higher the form abandonment rate. For best results, embed the registration directly on your website to avoid sending registrants away from your page.

Clearly display essential details like the date, time, location, payment information, and potential discount codes but don’t overwhelm registrants with excessive form fields. While a single-page form is ideal, if you need to collect more information, use progress indicators such as page numbers to keep people on track. If applicable, provide options for exclusive event experiences and add-ons such as speaker meet-and-greets, meal tickets, or merchandise. Finally, make sure your registration page is mobile-friendly to broaden your reach. 

Managing Registrations and Attendee Data

Managing data is a crucial aspect of success for any event, and using a platform like RegFox can significantly enhance this process. RegFox offers a centralized database for attendee information that allows you to easily track and update attendee details, manage payments, and ensure data accuracy. The robust analytics deliver valuable insights into attendee preferences, behaviors, and feedback. For example, if you discover that 70% of your attendees are interested in the asset planning breakout session at the financial planning conference, you can leverage this insight to improve your future marketing strategies. 

Communication is another important component of registration management. With RegFox, the automated text and email communication options help you to keep attendees updated and engaged—reducing the work on your plate and minimizing the risk of missing critical information. 

Finally, RegFox supports smooth check-in processes through mobile check-ins. This reduces bottlenecks at entry and enhances the attendee experience. 

Troubleshooting Common Issues in Online Event Registration

At RegFox, we get it—online event registration can be a headache. From technical hiccups and sluggish websites to payment snafus and data security scares, there's a lot that can go wrong. But don't worry, we've got your back! The RegFox platform is built to handle heavy traffic, so your registration site stays smooth even when the entire concert crowd is signing up at once.

We offer rock-solid payment processing to keep things error-free and your attendees' financial info safe and sound. Plus, our top-tier security measures protect against any data breaches. And if you do hit a snag, our awesome support team is ready to swoop in and save the day. With RegFox, you can focus on what you do best: planning an amazing event! Meanwhile, we’ll handle the registration hassles to keep everything running like clockwork.

Best Practices for a Successful Online Event Registration Process

To summarize, use these best practices to optimize your event registration form for sign-ups and conversions. 

  • + Start early.
  • + Define your event objectives.
  • + Keep the form simple and the registration process easy.  
  • + Utilize compelling copy and a clear call to action.
  • + Offer multiple registration options, such as general admission and VIP.
  • + Implement robust security measures.
  • + Test the form before launching.
  • + Provide immediate confirmation after registration.
  • + Add social proof and testimonials to your event website to build trust and credibility.

If you implement these tips and have RegFox by your side, you’ll be set to deliver a seamless and impactful event experience. Ready to get started? If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.

We’re here to help you have the best event ever.

— The RegFox Team